We work for the inclusion in society of migrants living in Spain.
All the activities, interventions and projects that we propose aspire to the following goals: procure dignified housing and personal autonomy, provide administrative and legal support, design and facilitate individualized labor training itineraries, generate opportunities for economic independence and build support networks with mentoring.
Vulcano DPC project
Guidance and advice on Immigration Law for migrants
The Salwa “Sandy” Nahlous Memorial Fund
“Knowledge without love is mere calculation, it does not penetrate what it knows; love without knowledge is simple emotion, there is no identification with what one loves.”
Raimon Panikkar
Happiness is made up of happy moments.
Every migrant, a story.
A unique look at migration:
A challenge for DPC
“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait even a single moment to start improving the world.”
Anne Frank

Migrant Community
We work with migrants who are at risk of exclusion. Their vulnerability may be due to their lack of support networks because they have only been in Spain for a short time, to humanitarian reasons, to the fact that they have exhausted the assistance to which they were entitled before reaching their economic independence and personal autonomy…
At DPC we take a unique approach to each person, according to their particular characteristics and needs.

Administrative Support
We strive to help migrants to obtain their administrative regularization in Spain.
To this end, through our Vulcano DPC Project, we offer guidance and administrative advice on procedures related to Immigration Law.
On the other hand, we accompany people who need it so that they can carry out the necessary procedures and formalities.

Welcoming Community
We encourage the generation of support networks for migrants, which are essential for the inclusion of people in society; we invite to develop solidarity events; we promote the employment of migrants through the example of committed employers; we do our best to carry out rentals for migrants in areas that are not usual for this community; we attend talks and events where we are invited to disseminate awareness messages in favor of diversity and equality.