Constructing word by word: a positive communication proposal
Through the MIGRATION+ Project, we share communication about migrations with you.
You can subscribe to receive this information via Email, and also provide us with texts, images or other communicative elements so that we can disseminate them.
What do we mean by positive + communication?
At DPC we aim to do our bit –word by word– to generate the positive meaning that migration deserves. We believe in a type of communication that, paying attention and feeling curiosity for similarities and differences, considers both the unique existence of “the other” and our own. We work to configure a space in which different types of beings can coexist and relate in the same world.

“Espacio de Encuentro”: Open microphones to the reality of migrants in Andalusia
Despite the rise of new forms of communication, radio remains…

“La Revista Inmigrante”: a space for reflection on African history and current affairs from the point of view of a young migrant
The word is the essential vehicle of human communication, a…

REFERENTS: Inspiring stories that break stereotypes
A "referent" is a model, something that gives us the basis to…

Migratory narratives of love: is it possible to change the story?
Orality and writing have been the basis for the construction…

MARK THE DIFFERENCE – Spaces for dialogue and awareness-raising to change the way we look at migration
The misinformation that comes from certain media and social…

Unmask your HATER side. A change of attitude is possible!
Peace is something that all people long for, but sometimes we…

PODER MIGRANTE, a network of activists and collectives that claim the rights of the migrant community in Spain
Poder Migrante is a network of activists and collectives working…

OWO, an awareness-raising platform to prevent hate speech and hate crimes
Although it may seem to us that we have a lot of information…

Initiative to fight against misinformation regarding immigrant persons from the educational ambit
Misinformation about immigrant persons is one of the factors…

Can we DEACTIVATE xenophobia and racism?
The action of “Deactivating” in our world that is becoming…

“ÓDIAME” (HATE ME) a very interesting initiative to fight hate messages in the internet.
What would happen if one day you open your social media and…

“We Want to Count, We Want to Listen” A message to claim the reality of ex tutored youngsters
The Organization Málaga Acoge, in collaboration with the Escuela…