Can we DEACTIVATE xenophobia and racism?

The action of “Deactivating” in our world that is becoming more and more digital is very common.  We deactivate annoying notifications that arrive to our cell phones, Apps, etc. Can we apply this simple action to other circumstances in our daily life?

The on-line platform DESACTIVA was born with the idea of thinking about and examining the way in which we live among the messages of xenophobia and racism, but mainly, the way in which we react when faced with these actions.

In the campaign #YoDesactivo, the project has created several audiovisuals about the reality of migrant persons in Spain, making visible the discrimination and hate messages that strike their lives. It also highlights misinformation given through social media.

At the same time, the campaign promotes the interaction of citizenship inviting them to tape testimonies and joining the campaign expressing the importance of NOT sharing messages full of stereotypes and misinformation about the migrant population.

The platform also has a series of information resources on best practices included in Companies, in media, in the house renting market and other manuals that give us the tools to know how to react, individually or collectively against xenophobia.

DESACTIVA is a platform promoted by the CEPAIM Foundation, an entity that works to promote an inclusive and intercultural society which gives total access to the rights of citizens which are the most vulnerable part of society and, in a special way, of migrants.

This initiative seems fundamental in order to give communication resources to everyone.  In DPC we share the idea that, the more knowledge you have the larger the capacity to react in front of hate messages.  Surely, we join this initiative of POSITIVE COMMUNICATION. Will you join us to DEACTIVATE Xenophobia and Racism?

You can learn more about messages and resources in DESACTIVA by clicking on the following link: