Tag Archive for: Positive Communication

REFERENTS: Inspiring stories that break stereotypes

A "referent" is a model, something that gives us the basis to…

Migratory narratives of love: is it possible to change the story?

Orality and writing have been the basis for the construction…

MARK THE DIFFERENCE – Spaces for dialogue and awareness-raising to change the way we look at migration

The misinformation that comes from certain media and social…

Unmask your HATER side. A change of attitude is possible!

Peace is something that all people long for, but sometimes we…

PODER MIGRANTE, a network of activists and collectives that claim the rights of the migrant community in Spain

Poder Migrante is a network of activists and collectives working…

OWO, an awareness-raising platform to prevent hate speech and hate crimes

Although it may seem to us that we have a lot of information…

Initiative to fight against misinformation regarding immigrant persons from the educational ambit

Misinformation about immigrant persons is one of the factors…