Keba successfully completes his undergraduate studies in Business Administration and Management at Loyola Andalucía University
Keba has recently graduated in Business Administration and Management at the Loyola Andalucía University. From DPC, we accompany him with great joy in this important moment in his life.
Keba started his university degree in 2020-2021. He was able to do so thanks to a scholarship obtained through the mediation of his friend Mariano Pérez de Ayala, secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Loyola Foundation. Getting this scholarship was a great opportunity for Keba, but also a responsibility, since he had to maintain an optimal academic level to be able to renew it every year.

Like any person in the process of training, Keba has gone through various challenges, but it is important to note that there are additional issues that he has been able to overcome with enthusiasm and effort, especially confronting fact of studying in a foreign, and recently learned, language.
“One of the first challenges I faced was the fear of disappointing the DPC team, my family and all the people who trusted me. I felt a great responsibility to live up to their expectations and prove myself. Another major challenge was understanding in class and studying my notes. Sometimes it was difficult for me to keep up with the pace of the classes or to understand the concepts. This gave me anxiety and doubts.
The standard of living of my classmates was also a challenge for me. I often found myself in situations where I could not participate in social plans or activities due to my economic limitations. I felt the pressure of not being able to maintain the same lifestyle as them, which sometimes affected my self-esteem and sense of belonging.
In addition, requests for financial assistance from my family added another level of stress. Despite not being continuously employed, I was often in the difficult position of having to manage expectations and find creative ways to support my family without compromising my own financial situation.”- Keba
Within the University Keba has had some important opportunities that add to his education. He did a nine-month exchange with an Erasmus scholarship at the Catholic University of Lille (France); he also did her internship at the International Relations Service on the campus of Loyola University of Seville.
Outside the academic world, he has had to continue taking steps to consolidate his autonomy. For this reason, he has combined his studies with work that he has performed sporadically as his studies have allowed him to do so. On expectations after finishing his university degree, Keba comments:
“After the journey I have made, I see that many of the people I started the race with dropped out, and that those of us who persisted have sacrificed a lot to get this far. I have overcome all kinds of difficulties, including pressure and doubts about whether I could make it to the end. All these barriers have been overcome thanks to the enormous effort I have put in, the support of DPC and the unconditional support of my friends, Gloria, Alejandro and Susana, who are now part of my family. Finishing my training fills me with great joy. Nevertheless, I find myself in an undecided situation and I do not know if I should continue studying for a master’s degree or look for a job, as I feel more and more the pressure to become independent. This question consumes me, and I can’t stop thinking about it”.

Upon arriving in Spain, many migrants aim to start or continue a university degree. This is usually very difficult due to the challenges they face in the first years of inclusion processes —which, unfortunately, can take a longer period—, making this objective secondary.
However, at DPC we are convinced that it is possible for them to achieve their goal. How? By increasingly strengthening the support networks that are involved in helping people who wish to study (with accommodation, financial aid, support classes, etc). The contribution of the academic institutions is also fundamental since they can favor through scholarships, carrying out actions aimed at promoting diversity, in short, actively participate in the process of inclusion of people who have decided to live in Spain and grow professionally from the university environment.
We thank the openness of Loyola Andalucía University and all the people who have been involved and collaborated with Keba to achieve her academic goal.
Congratulations Keba, thank you for demosntrating that with hard work, perseverance and enthusiasm it is possible to make dreams come true! We are very proud of you.