“La Revista Inmigrante”: a space for reflection on African history and current affairs from the point of view of a young migrant
The word is the essential vehicle of human communication, a bridge that connects minds and hearts, allowing the transmission of ideas, emotions and knowledge. It is through words that we build our reality, share our experiences and forge bonds with others. Its responsible and genuine use is always to BUILD. That is why today we want to highlight a communication initiative that we find very valuable and constructive!
“La Revista Inmigrante” is a blog whose objective is to share reflections on the socio-political reality of Africa. This approach to the history and current reality of this continent is done through the works of authors who highlight issues such as colonization, racism, geopolitics, economics, among others. Some of the reflections shared to date are:

The Damned of the Earth: An exploration of the life and work of Frantz Fanon, an influential author on issues of colonization and racism. The entry highlights his contribution to Pan-Africanist movements and his critique of colonial injustices committed by France in Africa.
Discourse on Colonialism: An analysis of Aimé Cesaire’s work on colonialism, highlighting its literary impact and its role in raising awareness of black identity and dignity. The entry emphasizes Cesaire’s relevance to African literature and history.

Letter to Victor Hugo: A critique addressed to the French writer Victor Hugo, discussing his defense of justice and humanity, and highlighting the importance of literature as a means to connect the past with the future and to understand significant historical events.
These reflections allow us to better understand the complex socio-political movements on the continent and their interaction with the rest of the world. This understanding is essential not only to appreciate Africa’s cultural and historical diversity, but also to analyze global phenomena such as migratory movements, for example. Among its content, “La Revista Inmigrante” also highlights activities of the Malian community living in Spain. By its nature, the magazine is also open to expose the day-to-day life of the migrant community in general.
“La Revista Inmigrante” is a blog promoted by Yacouba Sacko, a young man originally from Mali, who lives in Seville, Spain. In his process of inclusion, he has always had clear that academic training is essential to forge a future in this society that now welcomes him. He is a student in Finance and Accounting at the University of Seville and currently works for the NGO Andalucía Acoge.

“Many times, the immigrant’s life is limited by the host society, which considers him as a foreigner, illiterate, poor and as such he does not have the right to express himself. Because of this, our actions as immigrants are limited, and many of us seek refuge in hiding, in corners… in other words, where we think we are safe and where the voice of those who want to take away the legitimate part of belonging to Humanity does not reach us.
So, the idea is to respond to a double concern. On the one hand, to be aware of the difficulty in the search for our administrative paperwork, that the institutions remember us only at dusk, that family pressure is an indisputable fact…. But, on the other hand, it is up to us to play this role of union, to be the conciliator of many worlds that believe themselves to be antagonistic, given that the legitimacy of one depends on the existence of the other.
Finally, writing for me, besides being a passion, is a necessity; it is a way of living, of surviving, of telling and making people tell. When strong winds blow, the rich come to their gigantic houses, the judges cling to their laws, the immigrants to the edges of the zodiac, and me, I look for my pen, the place where you can face the circumstances and at the same time guide those who have lost their way”. — Yacouba
Ever since we met Yacouba, we have admired his thoughtful and committed character to everything that involves fighting for the construction of a just and more human society. Through our Starfish Program, we have collaborated with him in part of his inclusion process, and this is how we know his determination, proactivity and resilience. Yacouba has a lot to share, and through this blog, he proves it to us!

By having access to diverse voices and first-hand accounts, we can build a more complete and nuanced view of the dynamics that shape our world, fostering greater global awareness and responsibility. And, of course, help us to live together and become more critical people.
At DPC we believe that “La Revista Inmigrante“ is an outstanding initiative. Firstly, because of the topics proposed, and secondly, because it is an example of how migrants can be empowered by creating these spaces of expression.
You can read his blog and subscribe from the following link:
Congratulations, Yacouba! We wish that your blog continues to grow to continue discovering diverse literary references and enriching us through your reflections.