Moussa sows his dreams day by day to harvest a better life in Spain
Moussa emigrated from Senegal seven years ago and has been in Spain for five years; he is a young migrant who arrived alone in Spain. Since then, he has been striving for social and labor inclusion in Seville, the city where he now lives.
Since he arrived in Spain, Moussa has shown a special interest in working in gardening or horticulture; therefore, he has always sought the opportunity to train more in that field, but the road has not been easy for him.
We admire the patience with which Moussa has managed to overcome the many obstacles that his path in Spain has brought him. Together with Gloria, one of our collaborators, we are following his process of social and labor inclusion.
Through our Support Networks, we learned about the “Cultivating Inclusion” program promoted by Ecologistas en Acción in Seville. This program consists of providing training in ecological agriculture with a focus on sustainability and social issues with a view to subsequent job performance.

It is now time to celebrate administrative achievements and to be able to continue combining his work with training in what he likes best. Every morning, Moussa goes to a small vegetable garden, where day by day he sees how what begins as a small seed, as a small seedling, is taking shape.
The art of cultivation is a wonderful process, where knowledge, patience and perseverance are very important. To see the fruits, it requires work, facing setbacks from the weather, pests and always looking for other alternatives. The process of inclusion of a migrant person is very similar, it can be full of achievements, but also of situations that are beyond one’s control.

From DPC we want to accompany Moussa in “his sowing” and see him reap its fruits: to continue training in what he likes the most and to have better job opportunities every day. All this is being made possible through partnerships and collaboration between people and organizations that are always willing to provide spaces that promote inclusion.
Thanks to Ecologistas en Acción Sevilla, to the donors of the Solidarity Challenge that we launched in favor of Moussa and to all the people who are always willing to join our mission!