“Spring Dinner” fundraising event to benefit the Starfish Program
On April 22nd, DPC partner Laura Krisko and Veronica Woodsworth, part of our network of collaborators, organized a fundraiser dinner attended by 25 people in order to help to support our Starfish Program.
The event, called “Spring Dinner”, was a fantastic fundraiser that brought together old and new friends and family. A delicious intercultural meal was shared, while enjoying the musical participation of Oscar Rivilla, a DPC collaborator who has always been involved in various events promoted by our organization.

In the event we made a presentation about DPC and shared with the guests our inspiration, mission and a summary of the various activities carried out from the Starfish Program.
All these actions have been done without public funding, with hardly any help from private institutions; without the support of banks or local government. That is why we bet on private donations which, in turn, allow us greater freedom of decision when applying resources and a way of working from the “singular look” that every migrant deserves.
We thank Laura and Veronica for this initiative, Jeremiah and Veronica for hosting the event, and all the people who participated. The economic contribution collected is of vital importance to continue developing our objectives and, from the Starfish Program, to continue working to improve the situation of the young migrants we accompany.