Tag Archive for: migration

“Construyéndo[nos]”, an opportunity to get to know each other and build support networks between migrant and host communities
At the end of 2022 we inaugurated "Construyéndo[nos]", meetings…

The Raindrops Program participates in the Erasmus Project “MIGRATION IN EUROPE: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES” of the IES (Highschool) Hermanos Machado in Seville
Recently Alpha and Emily, as part of the awareness actions of…

Check is making progress in his process of social and labor inclusion
Check advances day by day in its process of social and labor…

Hamza finds sport a vehicle to inclusion
We met Hamza through his contact with the rugby team. His inclusion…

Unmask your HATER side. A change of attitude is possible!
Peace is something that all people long for, but sometimes we…

Trinity Christian College Academy of Seville receives again the visit of our RAINDROPS Program
From our RAINDROPS Program we continue to raise awareness in…

Campaign Launch “If with little we can do a lot, imagine what we could do with more”
In April, in collaboration with students of Graphic Design of…

PODER MIGRANTE, a network of activists and collectives that claim the rights of the migrant community in Spain
Poder Migrante is a network of activists and collectives working…

“Spring Dinner” fundraising event to benefit the Starfish Program
On April 22nd, DPC partner Laura Krisko and Veronica Woodsworth,…

Alpha does not give up! His experiences shared in the radio program “No Te Rindas” are an example of courage and overcoming
Our dear Alpha recently participated in the program "No Te Rindas"…