Alpha has been able to regularize his situation in Spain due to social roots
Alpha has been able to regularize his situation in Spain by obtaining temporary residence and a work permit due to social roots. This is a great opportunity to continue with his life project, his job and his goal at sports.
After his petition for asylum was rejected, and after several months of hard uncertainty due to having lost his residence permit and job, Alpha has obtained his first temporary residence card due to social roots. In this process, our DPC team has been with him in all his “red tape” needs. Special thanks to Ramón Retamero for the management and support to Alpha, also thanks to Max Adam who is part of our professional collaborators and who contributed with legal counsel.

“It gives me great joy to have residency in Spain, I’m very happy and thankful to DPC. It’s a great opportunity to keep on working and growing in this country”. Alpha
Nowadays Alpha is working at Bioplangen, a company that specializes in biosafety. He es very motivated by the work he is doing and everything that he is learning. The experience he is acquiring, is without doubt, fundamental for his entering the work force.
He points out that, being regularized in Spain also motivates him to continue with his projects in sports. He wants to try football again, train constantly and keep on knowing people who like this sport.
“I think about other boys like me, and I hope they also get the support I’m getting now. Life is not easy, but when you’re lucky and find people willing to help you, there is always joy” Alpha
We are very happy for Alpha! This new milestone encourages us to keep on working for the migrant young ones in Sevilla. It also helps us to reinforce our job in the web and the idea that small actions transform lives!