“We Want to Count, We Want to Listen” A message to claim the reality of ex tutored youngsters
The Organization Málaga Acoge, in collaboration with the Escuela de Arte San Telmo de Málaga, started in May the campaign “We Want to Count, We Want to Listen” so that people can find out about the realities of youngsters that have been in centers for minors.
The campaign consists in a series of posters claiming equality of the ex tutored youth with the rest of youngsters. The message has extended through social media and also in public spaces around many neighborhoods in Málaga.

This communication action is very valuable and necessary, in a context where, lots of times, young people are criminalized when they arrive in Spain with no family references. Their situation is, unfortunately, also used in political speeches to awaken negative emotions which translate into damages towards these youngsters.

From small daily actions we can see that everybody, no matter where we are from, have similar dreams, we are the same! Why don’t we have the same rights? The work together with our “Starfish” lets us know the daily effort that every one of them does in his/her inclusion process, how they fight against stereotypes and prejudices, but, if we are able to show there are no differences between the migrant youth and the reception population, this process is easier and enriching.
From DPC we are highlighting and spreading out this campaign! #QueremosContarQueremosEscuchar is a proposition of positive communication from which we can all learn.